Blunt Force Trauma And Your Legal Rights
Traumatic Injuries From a Car Accident
Blunt force trauma from a motor vehicle accident can change your life forever. Traumatic injuries from a car accident leave you and your loved one battle-scarred for life if you are lucky enough to survive the fatal car accident.
Blunt Force Trauma Injury Statistics
In the United States, trauma is the leading cause of death for individuals ages 1–45, and trauma is the fourth leading cause of death for all ages. In Michigan, the state trauma registry recorded 129,683 blunt-force trauma incidents in two years (October 2018–September 2020).
Common Cause Of Blunt Impact Injuries
Blunt impact injuries usually are from physical assaults, direct blows, sports injuries, and falls. But most blunt impact injuries are due to blunt trauma from motor vehicle crashes and pedestrian injuries. In most cases, significant physical protection like a seat belt may not be enough to avert the impact of blunt trauma from motor vehicle accidents.
Types Of Blunt Force Trauma Injuries
Blunt-force trauma from a car accident may lead to serious traumatic injuries. Severe injuries depend on the force applied to the body. Some of the usual blunt trauma injuries are:
Brain injuries
There is a risk of developing traumatic brain injury whenever a head trauma occurs. Traumatic brain injuries are penetrating injuries and closed head injuries.
Chest injuries
A blunt chest trauma may damage the area between the neck and the abdomen. The impact may damage the chest wall, including bones, skin, fats, muscles, and tissues.
Abdominal injuries
Solid organs like the spleen and liver are susceptible to laceration if abdominal trauma occurs. Fractured ribs, sharp force, and penetration trauma can lacerate abdominal tissues.
Common Blunt Force Trauma Symptoms
People involved in fatal car accidents often exhibit blunt force trauma symptoms :