Getting insurance is necessary if you want to secure yourself financially in case of auto accidents. Instead of paying out-of-pocket, your insurance company should cover your medical and repairs bills partially or in full. However, insurance companies do not just give out money indiscriminately. They still like to check the details of the accident to make sure that the claims are legitimate.
One way to track and check the authenticity of the auto accident is through the use of surveillance. Remembering the exact details of accidents is difficult, and there’s so much room for mistakes or misconceptions. There’s also the possibility that one party is not being truthful on their take of the accident. To make sure that the details are correct, insurance companies usually conduct surveillance checks on their clients and the 3rd party.
Why Insurance Companies Conduct Surveillance Checks
There have been numerous cases of insurance fraud ever since the inception of the industry. The insurance industry, as a whole, reportedly loses about $80 billion per year due to fraud and illegitimate claims.
With the help of surveillance, insurance companies would be able to track and monitor the legitimacy of insurance claims. They would have a record of how the accident happened, where it took place, and who were the parties involved, among other details. They would no longer need to rely on (possibly) biased take on events by the people involved. Now, they can have an objective reference regarding the auto accident, as well as the things that happened before and after the accident.
Types of Surveillance You Need to be Aware of
As a client of an insurance company, your actions and words may get monitored the minute you get involved in a car accident. It is, therefore, necessary that you are aware of the different types of surveillance available for you. They are:
- Social Media Surveillance
You might be surprised to know that insurance companies also utilize social media when conducting surveillance checks on their clients. There are times that claimants present contradicting information between what actually happened during the accident and what they posted on their social media account.
- Fixed Surveillance & Tracking
Insurance companies sometimes hire investigators to monitor auto insurance claimants. The duration of the surveillance is on a case-to-case basis. It is mostly to check the daily routine of the claimant and see if they are showing suspicious behaviors that can be link to fraud.
Like fixed surveillance, the goal of tracking is to monitor your actions and see if you are deviating from your routine. Of course, a simple deviation does not automatically translate to fraud. However, these details can contribute to a bigger picture that may determine a claim’s legitimacy.
- Technical Surveillance
Technical surveillance is all about using technology to avoid a stakeout tailing from private investigators. Instead of following the claimant everywhere, investigators place bugs on the claimant like audio recorders or video recorders to monitor their words and behaviors.
How You Should Respond to Surveillance after Michigan Auto Accidents
Insurance companies have the right to know the details of the accident before they release money for a claim. However, there are limits to surveillance that you should be aware of as a potential target. Here are some ways you can deal with surveillance if you ever get involved in a Michigan auto accident:
- Be mindful of your social media activities.
As mentioned, insurance companies sometimes look at your social media activities to check whether you’re giving contradicting statements to what actually happened during the accident. As a claimant, it is necessary that you monitor your social media responsibly and only post things that will leave no room for misinterpretation or avoid social media altogether. Otherwise, your auto insurance claim may get jeopardized.
- Show prudence when performing your daily tasks.
Auto insurance covers your repair bills and medical bills in case of accidents. Damages on your vehicle are easy enough to prove. If you’re exhibiting behavior isn’t in line with being injured due to the accident (i.e. going out with friends to party often, doing physically exhausting activities, etc.), then your insurance might think that you are exaggerating your claim. You should show prudence when performing your activities and make sure that you aren’t overexerting yourself.
- Be observant and check your surroundings.
If you feel like you’re being observed or if there are people lurking around you, it might be best to take note of everything and let the proper authorities know. There’s a thin line between legal surveillance and harassment, and insurance companies should know the limits of what they could do to monitor your activities.
Contact The Clark Law Office for Your Michigan Auto Accident Insurance Claims Issues
If you think you’re unjustly monitored and you’re feeling harassed about the situation, you can report your insurance company to the proper authorities. Having a dependable legal team behind you will strengthen your case further. Our team can even assist you until you get what’s due to you after the auto accident. Contact The Clark Law Office now to know more about how we can help you!
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