U-Haul Truck Accident Lawyer
Every day in America, trucking accidents involving U-Haul vehicles occur. While some are just minor collisions, others result in fatalities or major injuries. U-Haul truck accidents can happen for various reasons. Still, since these are large, heavy cars, driving must be done with extra caution to protect other road users.
How Can A U-Haul Truck Accident Lawyer Help You?
There were over 500,000 big truck accidents occurred n the US in 2021—a 26% increase from 2020. In 2021, 5,700 people lost their lives in large-truck crashes, an 18% rise from 2020. Other vehicle occupants accounted for 72% of the deaths, followed by truck occupants (17%) and non-occupants, mostly cyclists and pedestrians (11%).
Due to the size of the vehicle, U-Haul truck crashes are among the most catastrophic. Because trucks and cars differ greatly in size and weight, there are different risks associated with truck and car accidents.
Although any collision can be hazardous, U-Haul accidents have the potential to be especially serious or even deadly because of their large size. A big truck hitting a smaller vehicle could result in serious injuries and property damage.
A commercial truck might attempt to downplay or reject the victim’s claim. A truck accident lawyer can assist victims in pursuing the highest amount of damages for their injuries.
What Does a U-Haul Vehicle Do?
U-Haul is a self-storage and moving truck rental company in the United States. With a staggering 70 years of experience in the moving business, U-Haul is currently the top moving company in North America. It provides trucks for customers who need to tow another car or trailer.
U-Haul vehicles are designed with features like rounded corners, lower height, chassis skirts, comfort cabs, and other unique options to make moving households easier, more comfortable, and fuel-efficient. U-Haul rental trucks come in a variety of sizes, including pickups, cargo vans, and trucks that are 10, 15, 17, 20, and 26 feet long. Trucks longer than 10 feet come with an integrated ramp for easier loading and unloading.
In 2020, U-Haul brought in $4.54 billion in revenue annually. If every customer pays $100 on average for their rental, there will be roughly 45 million U-Haul customers in 2020.
What Causes U-Haul Truck Accidents?
U-Haul accidents happen for a wide range of reasons. Here are the common causes of U-Haul truck accidents.
1. Inexperienced U-Haul Truck Drivers
Professional drivers are to blame for a few U-Haul accidents. Other times, though, the driver who caused the accident has rented the U-Haul truck. Many drivers are not familiar with driving large trucks, particularly on congested roads.
Many people who rent and drive U-Haul trucks might not have any prior truck or trailer handling experience. The company bears the responsibility of providing them with safety information. This includes caution regarding turning, speeding, and using the brakes appropriately.
U-Haul truck drivers must be aware of the following factors that come with operating large vehicles: