Oncology Malpractice: What You Need To Know

Oncology team during surgery can easily make mistakes and errorsDue to both the deadliness intrinsic to the disease and to the radical ways in which it must be treated, cancer is one of the most urgent and devastating illnesses we may face in our lives, and oncology, or the study and treatment of cancer, one of the most pressing fields of medicine.  However, oncologists are like physicians of any kind – they can make medical malpractice mistakes. This unfortunate reality can manifest itself in anything from small blunders to major errors that can cost the patient money, time, or a chance at survival. Regardless of the outcome, these bigger mistakes are inexcusable.

Medical malpractice is a claim someone can file in the event they believe their doctor has been negligent in their duties. While not limited to oncologists, oncology makes up a specific subset of the overall malpractice field, and is generally employed regarding late or failed diagnoses.  When it comes to catching tumors and cancer, time is absolutely of the essence. A late diagnosis can put your life in jeopardy, and is therefore, in the case of gross negligence by a physician, likely grounds for a malpractice suit.

If you or a loved one have been the victims of an oncologist’s mistake, throwing your lives into uncertainty and your finances into trouble, reach out to a lawyer with experience in the field of oncology malpractice to go over your legal options.

Where The Oncologists Went Wrong

Cancer is a medical condition which has over a hundred different forms that are distinguished based off their organ of origin (lung cancer in the lungs, pancreatic cancer in the pancreas, liver cancer in the liver, etc.). Various diagnostic tests are used to detect and observe tumors that arise in the body, to see if the tumors are benign (safe) or metastasized (cancerous).

Oncologists then track these tumors, to see if and how they are spreading, and then recommend various treatment options depending on the development, stage, and location of the tumors. These treatment options can include surgery to remove the tumors, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.  Due to the complexities inherent in the field, mistakes can be made, from the time of diagnosis to even the time of treatment. These mistakes can be range from slightly to very dangerous for the patient, and can include:

  • Removal of healthy, non-cancerous tissue during surgery
  • Prescription of pain medication in too-high or too-low quantities
  • Failure to inform the patient of all associated risks with surgery, treatment, chemotherapy, etc.
  • Mistaken treatment of a benign (non-cancerous) tumor
  • Overuse of chemotherapy, which can damage a patient’s vital organs

These mistakes can all lead to a world of hurt for the patient. Some may be massive financial burdens, while cancer treatment is already expensive. Others will likely cause profound, even life-long physical and/or emotional trauma to the victim.  If these mistakes were made in your case, you owe it to yourself to seek compensation for the suffering you endured.  What would this look like?

The Steps You Take After Oncology Malpractice

Oncology malpractice claims involve navigating a complex web of law and practice, which is why having an experienced law team’s assistance is so imperative. Not only will malpractice attorneys be able to determine whether or not a victim has a case, they will also be able to outline the victim’s best steps going forward.

With a malpractice claim, the first step will be demonstrating the exact error the oncologist made, whether it be a misdiagnosis or late diagnosis, a damaging and unnecessary treatment, or anything else. This error must be one that was within the control of the oncologist – generally referred to as the ‘competent doctor’ rule, stating another medical professional would not have made this mistake.

From there, the plaintiff must showcase a clear link between this mistake and a pain caused to the patient, solidifying their claim of medical malpractice. The patient can showcase lost wages, physical/emotional trauma, and additional medical expenses, thus constituting their demand for recompense.

Get Started Today.  Contact Our Oncology Malpractice Attorneys

If you or a loved one has been the victim of oncology malpractice, get in touch with lawyers today. There is a two-year statute of limitations on all things medical malpractice in the state of Michigan, so time is of the essence.  The process of diagnosis and treatment for cancer is long, costly, and physically and emotionally draining. For many, it can be the hardest thing they have ever had to endure, which makes oncologist errors that add stress and pain to that process all the worse.  By contacting The Clark Law Office, you can rest assured that you will have your case thoroughly examined by an attorney well-versed in oncology malpractice laws, so that, in the case your claim is valid, you can fight for the compensation you deserve.  Call The Clark Law Office today at +1 (517) 347-6900.

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