When utilized correctly, tow trucks can tremendously aid motorists in vehicular transport during accidents and car malfunctions. This type of vehicle is even used by authorities to ease traffic and clear pathways blocked by abandoned and illegally parked cars. Private businesses like car dealerships also make use of tow trucks when transporting new cars to and from their clients’ homes.
With the wide range of issues tow trucks can solve, no one can deny how incredibly important this type of vehicle is. However, just like any other type of vehicles, tow trucks are not immune to accidents and malfunctions. When not appropriately maintained or handled by the wrong person, tow trucks can cause severe injuries and thousands of dollars in damages.
If you find yourself in a tow truck accident, it would be advisable to approach a trusted and dependable law firm. Read on to know more about tow trucks and tow truck accidents in Michigan today.
Employer Responsibility in the Tow Trucking Business
Employers of commercial trucking operators need to make sure that they do everything in their power to prevent accidents. That means that they need to hire drivers with clean records and cover the insurance of their drivers. Tow trucking businesses also need to train and orient their drivers effectively to lessen the possibility of accidents. Additionally, operators must also regularly maintain and inspect their vehicles to make sure that it remains in top condition.
In Michigan, the no-fault clause applies to a wide variety of personal injury laws. This includes vehicular disasters with various types of trucks including tow truck accidents, 18 wheeler accidents, cement truck accidents, garbage truck accidents, and more. In a state implementing a no-fault insurance system, people are guaranteed insurance payouts in case of accidents. It doesn’t matter if you or another party caused the accident — as long as you have insurance, you will get compensated accordingly.
Generally, the benefits in Michigan for no-fault insurance includes 85% of the lost wages for the first 3 years after the accident occurred. All daily reimbursement for chores you wouldn’t be able to perform and medical bills related to the injury you got due to the accident should be paid for as well.
In this system, there’s a high threshold for suing the person at fault. It can only be done if the injury is seriously impairing or fatal. Otherwise, you might not be able to get damage payout from the party at-fault. As a rule in Michigan, you may only sue the negligent party for your salary lost after the first 3 years of the accident, including your pain and suffering. You cannot seek to claim anything beyond those parameters.
Types of Tow Truck Accident Claims in Michigan
There are various types of tow truck accident claims in Michigan. It is crucial to get your facts straight to strengthen your case.
Mini Tort Claim
In this type of claim, the victim can only sue and claim for compensation for their damaged vehicle. It doesn’t mean that all costs of repair will be paid by the faulty driver. The court will still evaluate the extent of negligence and damage. In Michigan mini tort cases, the maximum compensation is around $1000.
No-Fault Claim
In a no-fault claim, the damages are supposed to be paid for by your insurance company. Your insurance will pay for your medical bills and mileages, wage losses, and the like. The disbursement of no-fault benefits is only allowed for a maximum of 1 year.
Pain and Suffering
When you want to claim for pain and suffering, you will be allowed to claim benefits from the insurance company of the party at-fault. Usually, only cases that are deemed serious like permanent body impairment are considered. The 3rd party lawsuit has a legal limitation of 3 years.
Why You Need a Tow Truck Accident Lawyer from The Clark Law Office
There are a lot of things that could go wrong when you do not have a dependable and expert lawyer when dealing with tow truck accidents. This is especially true in Michigan, as no-fault insurance is required under Michigan law. If you are not aware of the know-how of no-fault insurance systems, you might not be able to claim the payments and benefits you deserve to get.
Fortunately, here in The Clark Law Office, we know the ins-and-outs of Michigan law, including auto vehicle laws and no-fault insurance systems. Call us for a free consultation and see how we can help you get a favorable result in your case.