Childbirth is complicated. Still, many factors can further contribute to the difficulty of labor. Among them is a complication called cephalopelvic disproportion, or CPD.

CPD occurs when the size of the baby’s body or head is too large. It leads to difficulties in passing through the birth canal. If this occurs, then normal vaginal birth can become compromised. When this happens, it is crucial for the doctor to make the right call. If mistakes are made, the child or the mother’s well-being will be put in jeopardy.

What are the Risk Factors That May Lead to CPD?

Certain factors may increase the chances of the occurrence of CPD. Among these are the following:

  • Genetics: Genetics can also be a risk factor for CPD. If you have a family history for CPD, then you may need to consult a doctor.
  • Parity: Parity refers to the number of births that a mother has had. Multiple previous births can increase the chances of CPD.
  • Maternal diabetes: Some women develop diabetes during pregnancy. Maternal diabetes can increase CPD chances.
  • Fetal position: Abnormal positions of the fetus inside the mother can lead to complications in childbirth.
  • Pelvis: The baby must be able to fit through the birth canal during childbirth. A small pelvis in the mother may get in the way of this.
  • Maternal BMI: The BMI of the mother may also play a role. Obesity increases the risk of CPD.
  • Term: Term refers to how long the pregnancy has been before birth. Post-term pregnancies refer to very long pregnancies (typically over 42 weeks). These increase the chances of CPD.

The presence of the risk factors does not immediately mean that CPD will occur. However, these increase the chances of the condition. Still, watching out for the signs of CPD is critical to truly verify its presence.

Signs to Look Out For

Several signs may mark the presence of CPD. Some of these are diagnosed during labor, whereas others can identify CPD even before labor. They are:

  • Failure to progress: The failure for the labor to progress is one of the most tell-tale signs of CPD.
  • Oxytocin is insufficient: Administration of oxytocin is common during childbirth to help with labor. If giving oxytocin isn’t enough for a patient to give birth, then this may be diagnosed as CPD.
  • The large size of the fetus: A large fetus size is the direct cause of CPD. An abnormally large fetus can be the cause of diagnosis.
  • Pelvis size of the mother: Another sign that can cause an early diagnosis for CPD is the mother’s pelvis size. Pelvises below a certain size may make it difficult for the baby to pass through during labor.

These signs do not automatically mean that CPD will occur. However, the presence of these signs requires extra care to prevent complications that can be caused by CPD.

Complications of Cephalopelvic Disproportion (CPD)

CPD usually causes a failure to progress in labor. If this occurs, it can pose many threats to both the mother and the child. Some of the notable complications are:

  • For the baby: The longer the labor goes, the more that the baby is subjected to trauma and risky conditions. Some of the complications that may arise are birth injuries, shoulder dystocia, and many others.
  • For the mother: The mother is also put at risk during labor. CPD can cause complications like infections and trauma of some organs. The worst cases can lead to a ruptured uterus, which can be fatal.

Dealing with CPD the right way is necessary to reduce the risk to both the mother and the baby. Some of the ways to do so are the following:

Was Your CPD Case Incorrectly Handled? You Might Need to Speak with a Michigan Birth Injury Attorney.

If you believe that your CPD case wasn’t handled correctly, then make sure you consult with a lawyer. Incorrectly handled CPD cases can have dire consequences. Medical bills can get expensive, and you may need the money from your claim to help you pay.

Don’t fret; The Clark Law Office is here to provide sound legal advice. We have some of the most accomplished lawyers in the area, and we can help you with your claim. You may give us a call at +1 (517) 347-6900.


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