Everything You Need to Know About Gestational Diabetes

Pregnant woman checking blood sugar by herself at home Gestational diabetes is one of the leading complications among pregnant women. Every year, 2 to 10% of all pregnancies in the US come with this form of diabetes. For the mother and child to come out healthy, the key is to manage this complication.

Most diabetes in pregnant women get diagnosed for the first time during the first checkup. This complication is a cause for concern, and doctors who are unable to catch it are subject to malpractice. The best way to handle this condition is to help control it from the start.

Classes of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

Gestational diabetes has two classes, namely, class A1 and class A2. Much like Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, these classifications have their own types of medication scheme.

Class A1 GDM are people who have an abnormal blood glucose tolerance test. Even then, these pregnant women can correct the issue in their body through dietary changes.

Class A1 symptoms come from the sudden spike in the mother’s appetite. For overweight or obese women, class A1 is a possible scenario. Women who increase their food consumption upon pregnancy also run the risk for A1.

Class A2 GDM are patients with abnormal blood glucose tolerance tests even during fasting. These women have a failing insulin production and would need medication to keep their sugar down.

Women who have existing Type 1 diabetes mellitus are among the primary candidates. The management of class A2 will likely involve oral medications or subcutaneous insulin injections.

Who is at Risk for GDM?

Who is at risk for GDM? Risk factors for overt GDM undergo testing on the first prenatal visit to the doctor. Familial history, ethnicity, body weight, and personal history will dictate potential risk factors.

For example, women who had gestational diabetes mellitus in past pregnancies are more prone. Hispanic, African-American, Native American, South or East Asian, and Pacific Islanders are also more susceptible to risk.

Women who have a BMI of more than 30 are at grave risk of the illness. Those with PCOS, metabolic syndrome, and hypertension, and those currently using glucocorticoids have increased chances for GDM.

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes in Pregnant Women

Much like common diabetes mellitus, GDM does not have any outward signs and symptoms at all. Since most people with GDM only have it during pregnancy, long-term effects are usually not the same as chronic conditions.

For starters, women with GDM can feel a stronger need to slake their thirst. The dry mouth sensation will be commonplace, as the body craves for more liquids while it fails to process excess sugars in the body.

Pregnant women will likely experience more frequent urination. This process happens because the body is looking to eject all the excess sugars in the blood and liver.

Apart from these, much of the symptoms pregnant women can experience can also attribute to their conception.

Managing Diabetes During Pregnancy

The most important part of managing gestational diabetes is a proper doctor’s appointment. Doctors need to catch the existence of the disease, as it can prove fatal to the child.

Failure to manage GDM can lead to macrosomia, perinatal loss, or malformations in birth. During the first few visits, the doctor should check for glycosuria in patients. Failure to determine gestational diabetes during visits can be grounds for a malpractice suit.

Testing is a vital factor in the condition. Pregnant women will go back to normal after two weeks of pregnancy, but the most unsafe period is during conception. Getting the right test, however, can help women to begin treatment and even prevention.

Find a Malpractice Lawyer Against Gestational Diabetes Negligence

Doctors need to provide proper advice to their clients regarding the prevention of GDM. For women who have higher than normal body mass index, weight loss is the prime solution.

Regular physical activity not only prevents physical strain but gives women a way to burn calories. If pregnant, sudden weight loss is not an ideal solution.

Early healthcare is the key to correcting potential diabetes in pregnant women. Overall, the symptoms of the condition are adaptable with proper diet and exercise.

Pregnant women who have not received the right healthcare from their provider may have a case for potential malpractice. Gestational diabetes, when left unchecked, can put a woman and her child in danger.

While testing and detection are simple affairs, doctor’s negligence can be a huge factor that might make you eligible for compensation. In these cases, it’s best to file a birth injury lawsuit with the best malpractice lawyers in your area. Contact The Clark Law Office and some of the best medical malpractice attorneys today to discuss your case.

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