Things You Should Know When Dealing with Taxi Cab Accidents in Michigan

Things You Should Know When Dealing with Taxi Cab Accidents in Michigan Vehicular accidents are perhaps some of the most common types of accidents you can come across. No matter where you are in the United States, you definitely won’t go a day without at least hearing about a vehicular accident somewhere in the country.  In the state of Michigan, there had been a total of 1,028 car accidents in 2017 alone, with about 78, 394 people injured, not counting the over a thousand fatalities they caused. If you live in any county within Michigan, it is crucial that you know what to do and who to approach if ever you get involved in any type of vehicular accident.

What You Should Know about Taxi Cab Accidents in Michigan

There are many ways you can get involved in a taxi cab accident in Michigan. A taxi cab might hit or collide head on with your vehicle, or you might get injured while riding a taxi as a passenger. You might also get involved in the carnage as a pedestrian caught in a taxi cab accident.  Depending on the circumstances surrounding your accident, you can be involved in a standard “two-car accident case,” a “personal injury accident case,” or a “passenger car accident injury case.” Regardless of the type of taxi cab accident you get involved in, knowing your rights and possible claims is critical as you will need financial mobility to recuperate well.

Michigan’s No-Fault Insurance on Taxi Cab Accidents

Michigan is one of the few states that have no-fault insurance laws in the country. This basically means that a person involved in a taxi cab or ride-sharing accident such as uber can file an insurance claim with their car insurance company or any of their family members’ car insurance companies. They can also file a claim against the taxi cab’s insurance company, but only if they do not have an insurance claim that they can latch on to.  Depending on the gravity of economic and non-economic damages you’ve acquired, you would be able to get financial assistance on medical expenses, household services, lost wages, and attendant care benefits.  There are two main types of claims you can try to get as a party involved in Michigan taxi cab accidents.

  • PIP Benefit Claims

This is the most common type of benefit claim in Michigan. In this claim, each person involved in the accident, regardless of fault, can get benefits from their own insurance companies.

  • Tort liability claim

If people experience non-economic losses or excess economic losses as a result of the taxi cab accident, they also have the option of filing for tort liability damage claims. This is where it is essential to know who should be blamed, as the at-fault party usually becomes liable for these damages. To get tort liability claims in Michigan, there must be severe impairment of bodily functions or permanent serious disfigurement.

What You Should Do When You Get Involved in a Taxi Cab Accident in Michigan

If you ever get involved in a taxi cab accident in Michigan, you must have a basic idea of the things you should try to do. Of course, seeking medical attention when necessary should be one of your main priorities. However, if you can, you should also try to do the following:

  • Make sure that you get the driver’s information

Since Michigan is a no-fault state when it comes to taxi cab accidents, it’s possible that you won’t need to get the details of the driver before you get access to an insurance claim. However, tort liability claims and other types of requirements might get delayed if you cannot locate or have access to the location of the at-fault driver. Make sure to get the name, address, and contact information of the driver involved in the accident before leaving the scene of the accident.   

  • Have detailed documentation of the accident

Having a clear picture of all the details during the taxi cab accident is going to be helpful, especially if you’re trying to go for a tort liability claim. Make sure to take a picture of the scene of the accident and other vital details.  

  • Secure your witnesses

As much as possible, you should also try to secure key witnesses after the accident. Get their contact information and respectfully request for their assistance during the investigation to get a solid benefit claim in tort cases.

Seek Assistance from Experienced Taxi Cab Accident Lawyers from The Clark Law Office

The Clark Law Office is one of the best firms to approach if you need legal assistance as a party involved in a taxi cab accident. We have years of experience in this trade, and we know how to strategically approach cases in Michigan since this is our home state. Let us help you get the compensation you deserve! To know more, contact an accomplished attorney at The Clark Law Office now.


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